Class Deals by MOOC List
We offer amazing and exclusive deals for lifelong learners.

Product Analytics

Product Analytics Academy Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Product Analytics Academy Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Learn everything your need and nothing you don't.

No technical background necessary.

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Udacity Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Udacity Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Get 50% Off!

Udacity is where lifelong learners come to learn the skills they need, to land the jobs they want, to build the lives they deserve.

DataCamp Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

DataCamp Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Give DataCamp a try for free

Help close the talent gap with DataCamp.

The Linux Foundation Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

The Linux Foundation Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Invest in Your Open Source Skills

Free Courses

Skillshare Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Skillshare Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Unlimited Access to over 26,000 classes.

Skillshare usually charges $15 a month, but because you’re a MOOC List reader you can get up to 30% Off Your Annual Skillshare Premium.

Start Your Coaching Business in 21 Days

Start Your Coaching Business in 21 Days

Try first for 10 days and then make up your mind with an 80% discount.

Start Your Coaching Business Quest is Your Path to Build a Purposeful Coaching Business with a Thriving Income and Lifestyle.

Uplimit Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Uplimit Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

$100 gift card

Live courses taught by industry experts, powered by AI.

Minicoders Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Minicoders Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

Start Free Trial now and prepare your kids for the challenges of tomorrow.

Cool Logic Games in Roblox that make kids aged 6-12 grow coding skills.

TryHackMe Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

TryHackMe Active Discounts, Deals and Promo Codes

$5 credit

The launchpad for your cyber security career